SUGAR…the sweet killer

Sugar is in all of the foods we eat!  Yikes!

This week I am focusing on nutrition and trying to consume less sugar!

Of course soda, candy…anything in a wrapper, has sugar.

But today I was shocked to find out how much sugar was in a piece of bread!  I got home from practice and decided I would make myself a grilled cheese sandwich.  So when I was waiting to flip the sandwich, I began to read the nutrition facts on the back of the bread.  To my amazement, there was 10g of sugar.  My mom buys wheat bread and there is still 10g grams of sugar.  So I began researching on sugar…

Sugar comes in lots of forms: but the main one is corn syrup.  Sugar is in everything, salad dressings, crackers, and even ketchup.  Some sugar is not as bad, like the sugar from a piece of fruit.  But in general sugar is bad has horrible effects on the human body!  SOME INTERESTING FACTS……

  • Our nation is addicted to sugar.  In 1915, an average American would consume 15 to 20 lbs of sugar a year.  TODAY, Americans will consumer their weight in sugar and over 20 lbs of corn syrup a year!
  • When we consume sugar, the immune system cannot function for 6 hours.
  • Sugar has no nutrients, no proteins, no healthy fats and no enzymes.
  • Sugar is as addictive as cocaine.

So this week, I will try to consume less SUGAR.

I decided to try to just eat vegetables…so I made myself a salad with spinach, cucumbers, red bell peppers, sunflower seeds and of course I had salad dressing.  I choice to use Italian dressing instead of the Ranch.  Ranch has double the sugar than Italian.  This will be difficult but I think it is well worth it!  We will see how it goes.

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